By-Laws & Covenants (Click Buttons to Download)

Wedgewood is a deed-restricted community. All homeowners, renters and their guests are required to comply with Wedgewood's By-Laws and Covenants, which are actively enforced to ensure the quality of our community and protect property values for all homeowners. Repeated Covenant violations will result in the levying of fines and the placement of a lien. All fines and liens are the responsibility of the Homeowner, even if the violation was caused by a renter or guest.
ARC Request

Pursuant to Wedgewood's Covenants, an Application for Improvement must be submitted directly to the ARC committee and approved prior to commencing any exterior painting (body or trim), demolition and/or installation of sheds, fences, pools, etc., or construction of other additions. The Homeowner (ie: not a renter or vendor) must submit the Application to the ARC officer. Board members are not responsible for forwarding applications. The Homeowner is solely responsible for the cost of returning any unauthorized painting, demolition, installation or construction to its original condition, as well as for identifying and securing all permits required to complete the requested improvement.